Work from Home? Here’s How to Decorate Your Small Home Office for Daily Inspiration

One of the best things about working remotely from a small home office is that you can turn this space into a place of inspiration and comfort.

But it can often be hard to get the balance right. Sometimes, you might find that you’re lacking for inspiration, so you need to mix things up a little to inject new life into things.

Here are a few ideas for how you can decorate your small home office and still ensure a burst of daily creativity.

Set the Mood

Mood boards are a great way to invoke constant inspiration in your workspace.

By putting one of these together and setting it up in your eye-line, from your desk or table, you’ll constantly have a front-row view of what keeps you inspired and what spurs you on.

Mood boards are great for this purpose as you can set whatever mood you wish. It might be a way to set the tone of your small home office on the whole, or it might be so you can be in the right headspace for whatever project you’re working on.

Mood boards tend to be large spaces on which you affix items and images. Big or small, they can be moveable or attached to one spot in the office in particular.

By setting up your mood board in your eye-line, you’ll always know just where to look for guidance.

Stay Clean

Never work from a cluttered, unruly workspace, especially if your home office is a small one.

Mess won’t inspire you; it will preoccupy you and steal focus. Decorate in a way that takes away clutter by implementing effective and attractive storage solutions.

Looking at space saving ideas to find out how to do this and have fun too.

Storing using shelving, loft storage, trunks, ceiling fixtures, and multi-faceted furniture can be a fun way to decorate, but also keep things clean.

A Lightbulb Moment

Lighting plays an important part in a workspace, and can truly affect the way the mind allows creativity to flow through.

Decorate your office with a variety of light levels, colors, and textures. Use pendant lights for the ceiling, and incorporate a dimmer function so that you can lower the glare when you’re really trying to think.

If darkness and low light have a negative effect on you, decorate with bright, quirky top lighting and light colored lamp shades.

Don’t shut out the natural light either. Keep curtains and blinds minimal.

Surround Yourself

A very effective way to decorate a small home office for inspiration is to make it cozy and cocoon yourself away. Surround yourself with your favorite trinkets and knick-knacks.

This works excellently in a home office scenario where you might be pushed for space and can decorate things precisely how you want to, with added flair.

Use this opportunity to implement items related to the work you’re doing. If you’re an architect and find it helpful to include vintage design prints in your decor, then be sure to do just that.

Create an Inspirational Small Home Office

We have a treasure trove of items at Primrose & Plum, perfect to adorn your inspirational small home office.

Our online store carries everything from furnishings and lighting to accessories, throw rugs, and pillows.

Be sure to sign up to our newsletter for regular updates on what we have in store and what sales might be on the horizon!


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